Share your Testimonial


Are you ready to become the next social media sensation? Or perhaps you just want to share that luxurious glow from using our premium products? Either way, we are calling on all of our very loyal customers to share their sensational experiences with our line of beauty products through a dazzling video or photo testimonial. And guess what, we offer an incentive for that too. We believe that a great effort should be rewarded. So let's have fun! We're offering a $50 Yunasence reward to all existing customers who participates with a video testimonial and $30 for a photo testimonial!


Now, we know what you're thinking: "I'm not a professional video maker!" But don't worry at all, we don't need a Hollywood production here. Just grab your phone, find a well-lit spot, hit record, and tell us how our products have changed your life. Or, you can get creative and show us how you incorporate Yunasence into your daily routine! 10-20 seconds of video would be perfect. And for the photo you can just hold your favorite product(s) and give us a short 2-3 sentences written testimonial.


We're looking for funny, compelling, and heartwarming testimonials that show the world what Yunasence is all about. What is your favorite product that you can’t live without? We want to hear from you the words you would tell your friend about it!


1. You can mention how you discovered us.

2. How long you've been using our products.

3. How using our products has changed your skin.


So what are you waiting for? Unleash your inner star, hit record, and let's get this party started! Send your photo/video to 561-248-9933 with your name and we'll send you your $30 or $50 Yunasence reward in a form of a code, as a token of our appreciation. Plus, you'll be helping us spread the word about the amazing benefits of Yunasence products.


Thank you for being a part of our Yunasence family, and we can't wait to see your amazing testimonials!


Terms: Your photos or videos maybe shared on our social media pages and marketing materials.You must be an existing Yunasence customer. Yunasence product(s) must be visible in your photo/video testimonial. One reward per customer. This reward code cannot be combined with any other promotion or be exchanged for cash.