
Are natural ingredients always better?

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 15th Nov 2019

Are natural ingredients always better?

And the dialog is still open whether natural cosmetics are better than conventional, not so natural. Many ask to confirm if natural cosmetics are safe and better to use? Being the owner of a natural skin care brand I wholeheartedly want to say tha … read more
Natural and Organic. What is the differnce?

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 25th Aug 2019

Natural and Organic. What is the differnce?

So what is the difference between Natural and Organic?These two terms have been loosely used and overused for a while now. Natural ingredient is an ingredient that was manufactured from a tree or bush or from something that was previously growing f … read more
Everything you always wanted to know about Vitamin C

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 19th Oct 2018

Everything you always wanted to know about Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been all the hype in the resent years claiming to do a lot for the skin beauty. Many companies compete for leadership by including higher content of Vitamin C in their products and then making it a prominent part in their marketing. … read more
Earthing for the total well-being

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 21st Aug 2018

Earthing for the total well-being

Feeling out of sorts lately? Then try Earthing. Earthing is a grounding exercise that reconnects you to the Earth. Research shows that Earthing reduces inflammation by scavenging free radicals. Earthing means connecting your physical body (sk … read more
Hawaii to Ban Sunscreens Containing Oxybenzone and Octinoxate

Posted by Hawaii Government & Sweetsation Therapy on 11th May 2018

Hawaii to Ban Sunscreens Containing Oxybenzone and Octinoxate

Finally the legislature is moving forward in Hawaii. And it’s a good start and example for all the States to follow the suit. The new legislature will prohibit the sale of ultraviolet sun protection factor sunscreen personal care products containi … read more
Hapy Mother's Day!

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy on 8th May 2018

Hapy Mother's Day!

Hello Beautiful, Happy approaching Mother's Day to you! Make it a great one! Being a mother myself, I have grown to learn that all women are essentially mothers. All as one, without any exceptions. Our nurturing quality makes us this way. Wh … read more