Onwards and upwards with the NEW!

Posted by Sweetsation Therapy / YUNASENCE on 23rd Oct 2022

Onwards and upwards with the NEW!

Do you ever have this feeling when 'you know' something? Just know, when something needs to be changed. Like a new chapter of your life is knocking on your door? That kind of feeling. When you feel like one door needs to be closed, because the other one is opened already?

This feeling was been haunting me for a few years now. And now it's the time to open that new door wide open and see what is behind it. Simply said, Sweetsation Therapy is dead.

And also reborn! Under a new name. I have briefly mentioned before that we are rebranding and will be changing our brand name. Now, the transition has begun and I couldn't have been more excited and motivated to open this new exciting chapter.

My company and brand, Sweetsation Therapy, was about 12 years old when this notion started visiting me like an reoccurring nightmare that something is off, and the brand name, Sweetsation Therapy, no longer feels like it fits the business I am in, nor the products we offer to you. I don't even know what in the world was I thinking to name it this way back in 2008. But I have an excuse. I was pregnant back then, and everyone knows that pregnant brain works in mysterious ways.

Over the years I've experienced some shortcomings of this name. Essentially, nobody ever pronounced it correctly, and I wouldn't even go into the challenges of spelling it. If a stranger asked me the name of my brand, it always lured them into pastry, cookies and cupcakes territory. Yes, I polled people. After 12 years in business. Kind of late, you would think? But it's better than never.

Then I've learned that there are already a few businesses operate with a similar name, and all in a dessert/sweets category, as the name naturally implied. But the final nail in my coffin happened when people started texting me in all times of day and night trying to book a massage..... a sensual one. After a bit of research I discovered that there is a business called "Sweetsational Inc" in Miami that offers massages. Why would people try to book it after midnight, only would make you wander... On Google, it was confused with Sweetsation Therapy and giving out our contact information. That was the last straw.

It was time to rebrand. Too many signs. This time I gave it a lot more thought than back then, 14 years ago. And now I am happy to announce that the new name of our brand is YUNASENCE!

Yuna has different meanings in different languages, such as kindness, desire, youth, good looks and gentle. All this is what we stand for.

Sence (deliberate misspelling of sense) - a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.

And together - YUNASENCE. We think it's a perfect name that encompasses everything we stand for. And it's one word, that is easy to spell and say - 'YOONA-SENS'

It's a new chapter in our lives, but as always we are inspired by nature and realized by science. Stay with us for lots of new and exciting products.